When the gift of Sundooq makes for experimenting with the Lasanyu chutney mix.
This comes in from the silicon valley where cooking a meal together with the family once a week is more luxurious than the place itself. So comfort food is what we aim for. The recipe for this preparation is more from the soul, and definitely for the soul. Make it with an open heart and change it up as per your vibes in the moment !!
Chopping vegetables is the first step:
Onions(1 big one, or two small ones),
Potatoes (2 or 3 depending on how much love you share for potatoes as a family) and
Tomatoes (a little more than one but less than two, andaaz apna apna!).
A dash of oil only if you really want to,
Keep ready the lasanyu masala because it has 'everything' you need,
Cleaned Shrimp (the ones you know how to cook, nothing special).
In a pan, adding very little oil, first go in the onion like how we all begin any dish. Next, dump in the tomatoes and potatoes sautéed with 'Lasanyu masala by Sundooq' till potatoes are cooked. We all check this by breaking the potato in half, and if it breaks easily, it's time. Dont forget to add salt and pepper at this stage if needed by the designated taster in the family, because things tend to speed up from here on and we dont want to forget the fundamentals now, do we !!
Finally, on low flame now, dump the clean shrimp and cook all together for 3-4 mins. Garnish with dhaniya (coriander) if you have some fresh leaves growing, don't worry too much if G for garnish is not G for green. We do what we can !! Enjoy with the whole family, eat with rice, some yummy bread or rotis - it's your choice !!
Lots of love to Sundooq
- Khushi's Uncle
Khushi aka Vaibhavi is a silver head like no other. A dear friend of Sundooq, with a creative practice that continuously traverses through spaces and materials but one that is closest to the earth. Her appetite for learning and laughter is as deep as her love for experimentation, and you'll see how that truly runs in the family.